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We are trying every means to create

  • comfortable working atmosphere for you

    Miaozhen Systems is located in Wangjing SOHO, a 5A office building. The anti-smog central ventilation system continuously provides us with clean air, allowing us to breathe freely and get rid of smog damage. Simple and comfortable office design creates relaxed and pleasant working atmosphere. You will work with top talents graduating from various famous universities as well as top professionals and experts. You will draw on each other's merits for common progress, and pool collective wisdom and get better results in the work. Come to join us, let's grow together and make ourselves better!

  • Complete training system

    Miaozhen attaches great importance to employees' learning and development. It has established a targeted training system and prepared diversified training courses and learning channels for employees at different development stages and different posts. It hopes to help employees fully realize their personal growth and development on the platform it builds for them. In Miaozhen Systems, you will work with top talents who graduated from famous universities such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University and University of Science and Technology of China, as well as top professionals and experts in the fields such as Internet, technology development and marketing. Join us to realize mutual growth!

  • Fast promotion channel

    “Talents” are the core driving force to promote the development of enterprises. With the rapid development of big data marketing, Miaozhen Systems embraces new opportunities for its strategic development. The diversified and multiple posts and the dual-channel design concept of career development will definitely enable excellent you to find an ideal position in Miaozhen and get timely recognition and rapid development with your excellent performance!

  • Colorful cultural life

    In Miaozhen, you can not only find trustworthy workmates in your work, but also can meet friends in the same camp. You will soon find that the cultural life here is full of vitality, fun and love. We look forward to your participation in our various fun and well-designed festival activities, all kinds of sports and fitness teams waiting for you to join, as well as company-level competitions for incubating innovation and technology exchange. The stage of Miaozhen is shining and fabulous. We are waiting for you!

  • Welfare system

    Complete salary and welfare system

  • Rich activities

    We carry out many activities for employees from time to time. We also organize outings, team building and other activities.

  • Leave plan

    Employee-oriented system of sick leave, leave for personal affairs and annual leave

  • Centralized management of archives

    Centralized management of employee archives
    Relieve employees of worries

Position information

Position Location Number Qualification

Miaozhen provides you with a comfortable working environment.

We believe that you can take your unique experience, skills and passion to Miaozhen to win competitive remuneration, challenging work and colorful life. The vast majority of our employees graduated from Peking University, Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, Nankai University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and other well-known domestic universities, and have rich professional experience in the fields such as Internet, technology development and marketing. Our young team is full of vitality and innovation. We regard talents as our core competitiveness and provide a platform for outstanding talents to display their talent. In Miaozhen, you can see young people full of energy, passion and vigor everywhere. In Miaozhen, you will grow with international brands in the digital age.